viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

Blog Review

Hey bloggers! Today is my last post so i want to write about my experience writing post every week. The post i really enjoyed was when i wrote about "something i am good at", i remember everything when i was at the orchestra, the friends i made at. It was a beautiful experience because i never thought i could play a violin and make presentations, i felt so complete when i was in there. I think if i could do it again, i would do it without a doubt. 

The post i least enjoyed writing was "a city" because i didn't know about what city write, it was so difficult because i chose a city just for it historical past and sincerely i don't know what else write about.

The blog i enjoyed reading was Claudio's blog, i think is very interesting because he really likes sports and go outside to parks or San Cristobal hill just like me.

I think my english is better than before, because now i can write my ideas straight in the post almost without asking for help and i can know a little more my classmates.

I liked everything about using the blog, it was a beautiful experience because i can be myself expressing what i think, what i do and  the post were so dinamic because we were writing about really interesting topics.

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

A Toy

Hey readers!
Today i'd like to write about a toy i had as a child. Its name is Jenga. This toy is a kind of tower of pieces of woods and you have to remove this pieces and put it on in the top of the tower without bouncing the tower. I had it when i was seven or eight years old and it was a gift from the school, the parents gave us a Jenga to everyone in the class. I really enjoyed playing with this toy because i could play with my family and friends, it was funny wait to the tower fell because after that you had to make the tower again and start to play. Also you had to be careful to play with the Jenga because it wasn't funny if the pieces fell on you, so maybe it was a dangerous game.

Now i don't remember what happened with that toy, i only know that dissappeared, and the last time that i saw it was two years ago i think and a lot of pieces have gone, so i would like to have it now but is a good toy that make me have a really good time.

Resultado de imagen para jenga

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

A Phone App

Hey bloggers, today i would like to talk  about a phone app i use a lot. This app is Spotify, i use about two or three years ago, in my cellphone, tablet and even my laptop, i really love to listen music everywhere so this app is perfect for me. When i go to my city it's about an hour and a half so the trip without music is so boring. This app has a lot of playlist of different singers or artists and you can create a playlist with your favourite songs. You can use it for free but you have to listen announcements in the middle of the song and that is very annoying, but if you don't wanna to listen this announcements you can pay and hire Spotify Premium with a credit card every month. the worst part of having Spotify Free is that you can't change the song many times because it has a limit so you have to listen the songs by default.

I use the app almost every time for example when i travel to other city, by underground, at my home, when i do my homework because i like to sing so in this app i have my playlist with my favourite songs and i can listen all day if i want.

Resultado de imagen para spotify

sábado, 28 de julio de 2018

A Special Place

Hey bloggers, today i would like to talk about a special place for me. As i've been said before i really like to go parks and museums so there ir a place it has both two: Quinta Normal Park. I have gone a lot of times maybe just to lay on the grass and listen the nature in the middle of the city. Also i have visited National Museum of Natural History, Memory Museum, the library of Santiago and lot of cultural places that are inside and near from the park.

The first time i went to the park was on October, 2016th, after going to the FILSA (i´ve mentioned before in other post) so it was a spring day and i loved it because it has a small lagoon, the museums and i feel like i’m not in the city.

So it is a special place for me because it means a lot to me in a romantic way, but this is another story… so every time i can i try to go to disconnect myself of the university, or just to thing because i can’t go to the beach while i am studying here in Santiago and i have a lot of work to travel.

Resultado de imagen para quinta normal parque

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

A Birthday or a Celebration

Hi bloggers! Today i'm going to talk about a birthday i remember and it was so special for me. It was my first year in the university, here in Santiago and i was so sad because it was my first birthday without my family and away from home, also we had classes on summer because of  "paro" so i came home after class and the girls who i live here wanted to celebrate my 19th birthday i was so happy and after my boyfriend went to see me with a cake and gifts for me. We ate a lot of hot dogs, cake and we had a really nice evening. The next day when i went to my home in San Antonio, my mom have done another cake for me! so i ate a lot of cake and it was one of my favourite.

Maybe is not a big birthday but it is so special for me because i was alone here without my family and i have never felt that so that celebration surprised me and maked me feel like i wasn't alone and my friends did a great day for me.

jueves, 28 de junio de 2018

Something i like to do outside

Today i'd like to write about things i like to do outside. There are a few things that i really love, first i really like to walk on parks on the afternoons especially on spring, because flowers start out and you feel a conexion with nature. Also i like to ride a bicycle, on summer i went out with  my sister or my dad to the forest and we did some exercise outdoor. Another thing that i like to do outside is climb hills like San Cristóbal hill and i remember that day because it was about 5 pm and the day was very hot and my boyfriend and i had the great idea of climb San Cristóbal hill. It take 2 hours to came to the top but it was worth it because it was a rellay lovely experience.

But what i like to do most is go to beach, i love listen the sound of waves, the birds, the smell of it, is so relaxing and i could stay for hours just lying on the sand with my eyes closed listening and thinking how lucky i am to live near from the beach.

Resultado de imagen para playa el canelo

viernes, 15 de junio de 2018

A City

Hey bloggers, today i'd like to write about a city i would like to visit. Well, this city is Berlin, the capital of Germany. I think Berlin is a very interesting place to visit because of the historical importance that you can find on it. In the first place I really like history and everything related so Germany has a lot of history, with the Holocaust and the remains of the Berlin War and I would love to visit that places that are now museums or monuments that makes remember that everything that happened in that place has a connection with we are today.
Also, as it is a country so far from ours it is interesting to know the cultural difference, its customs and its geography, the importance that is given to art or music that makes it so different from what we know in Chile. So for me it would be exciting to be in that city with its modernity and history that makes so particular.

Imagen relacionada

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

A Hobby

Hey! Today i'd like to talk about my favourite hobby: read books. I started reading at the age of 13 years old. at first i didn't have many books, just two books in english and that was so difficult to me at that time so, a friend i met when i went to te orchestra, invited me to Santiago to FILSA (Feria Internacional del Libro de Santiago) at the Estación Mapocho and in this place i bought my first books. After a while my friend started to borrowed me books and one day that i asked her for books (like horror or suspense) she recommended Stephen King and she give me a book called "The Green Mile" i loved that book an also the author so i started reading many books that he was published like Carrie, Pet Sematary, The Long Walk, Misery, among others.

Every year i go to FILSA, and i buy many books as i can because i really love read books and is not just about literature, also about history or geography. The only bad thing is in FILSA books are so expensive so is not easy to buy books and the cheap books are so boring.

Resultado de imagen para the green mile libro

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018

Something i am good at

Hey bloggers, today i'd like to talk about something i thing i am good at. Since i was a little girl, music always caught my attention. When i was ten years old, for music class the teacher asked for a flute. Well my father bought it and i tryed to play the flute and play songs even when i didn't know how to do it. In the same year i entered in a group in the school where we played different instruments and finally we maked a presentation with a few songs for our parents and classmates. People said to me i had a "good ear" for music and for that, years after, when i was sixteen years old i started to go to an orchestra, i played the violin. But first, before i played in the orchestra i went to violin classes in the same place, i think it was for eight or nine weeks and after that i had the neccesary knowledge to be in the orchestra. Our repertory was diverse and i really liked to play because i felt i was good at something.

Now i don´t play the violin because i am very busy with university things but if i wasn't sure about studying geography i would like to have studied to become a violinist.

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

My first concert!

Hey bloggers, today i will write about the first concert in my life. Was on November 28, 2017. My roommates invited me as a gift for my birthday to the concert by Bruno Mars. He is my favorite singer since i was 13 years old so i was very excited because i have never thought i could see and listen him. It was in the Estadio Nacional so there was a lot of people.

First while we were waiting for him, the band who opened was DNCE and its vocalist is Joe Jonas so it was really fun and nice because he sang really well. At 9:30 PM Bruno came on stage. It was really amazing, his voice is beautiful and with my friends sang every song. The best part was when he spoke in spanish!!!! At the end of the concert i couldn’t talk because my throat hurt a lot. So i can say that is the best and only one concert that i ever had in my life.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2018

A programme that i watched as a child

Hey bloggers!!
Today i will tell u about a TV programme that i watched as a child. When i was about 7 or 8 years old i really liked to watch "The Wild Thornberrys". It is about a normal family who travel around the world filming things about wild life. Eliza, the daughter has the gift to be able to communicate with animals. I don't remember in what channel the show used to be. I enjoyed the show because i thought it was really funny what animals said when they spoke with Eliza, also i liked because they went to different places around the world. So i did try to talk with my cats or dogs in the street hoping that they answer me, but unfortunatelly will never happen. It’s a show that i remember with love because i saw at mornings when i was in my bed having breakfast.

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

About me, just a little

Well hi! my name is Karen Paredes, now i'm in the computer's room writing this. Here i go... i'm 20 years old, i'm from San Antonio but actually i live here in Santiago because i'm studing geography in Universidad de Chile, soooo about what i like, mhh i love, really love watch series on Netflix, also i love books. Years ago i played the violin but not now :/ i like go out, take fresh air in parks, have long conversations with people that i want, and sing, i really like karaoke. About pets, well i have a cat and a dog and i love them so much...That's all:)